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Angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve Him, though created a little higher than man. There are the good angels, who have remained obedient to Him to carry out His will, while others, fallen angels, disobeyed, fell from their holy position, and now stand in active opposition to the work and plan of God. We have hosts of them in the Bible, but only 3 have been named.
The name Michael means “who is like God?”
God sent to Daniel a heavenly messenger and a demon held him up, so God then sent Michael to go down there and knock that demon out of the way so that the holy angel could do what he was sent to do in Daniel 10:13
Michael is the defender of Israel who will wage war on behalf of Israel against Satan and his hordes in the Tribulation in Revelations 12:7-8
Michael also disputed with Satan about the body of Moses, but Michael refrained from judgment, leaving that to God in Jude 1:9
Gabriel name means “man of God” or “God is strong.” Gabriel seems to be God’s special messenger of His kingdom program in each of the four times he appears in the Bible record … He reveals and interprets God’s purpose and program concerning Messiah and His kingdom to the prophets and people of Israel.
In a highly significant passage, Gabriel explained the events of the seventy weeks for Israel in Daniel 9:21–27.
Gabriel explained to Daniel the succeeding kingdoms of Medo-Persia and Greece as well as the untimely death of Alexander the Great in Daniel 8.
Gabriel also announced the birth of John the Baptist to Zacharias (Luke 1:11–20).
Gabriel told Mary that the One born to her would be great and rule on the throne of David.
Lucifer means “shining one” or “star of the morning.” He may have been the wisest and most beautiful of all God’s created beings who was originally placed in a position of authority over the cherubim surrounding the throne of God.
Satan is another name given to him which means “accuser” or “adversary” in Hebrew
Apollyon/Abaddon, is another name given to him which means "destroyer"
-Carolyn W., Gulf Hammock, FL
-Bonnie G., Meansville, GA.
-Allen S.
-Erin B.
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