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Have you ever met an Angel? What do they look like? Man has always been fascinated with Angels. Artists have painted them for centuries. Hollywood has television shows and movies with angels depicted in them.
However, most of these are devoid of God's revelation, The Bible. Did you know there are 273 references in scripture to angels? So what do angels really look like according to the bible?
Even though angels take on human appearance and become visible on occasion, they are spirit beings who do not have flesh and blood.
When necessary, God will direct one of His invisible angels to become visible in the life of a believer in order to accomplish a divinely ordained purpose.
In Genesis 19:1 two angels came to Sodom in the evening. Lot was sitting in the gate and invited them into his house to spend the night.
They had taken on human form, because in verse 5 the men of the city came to his house and called out to Lot where are the "men" who came to you tonight?
Daniel saw this stunning visual of one angel:
Daniel said that the men with him didn't see the angel, yet sensing the presence he saw, they ran away in terror. He himself turned pale and all his strength left him.
When an angel came to Peter's cell to release him:
In Matthew 28, an angel of the Lord descended from Heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it.
The Bible indicates that the seraphim order of angelic creatures have 2 wings to cover their face, 2 wings to cover their feet, and 2 wings to fly with.
Two wings covered their faces because they dared not to directly gaze at God's glory.
Two wings covered their feet to acknowledge their lowliness even though they engaged in divine service.
The last two wings they flew in serving the One on the throne. Thus, four wings related to worship, emphasizing the priority of praise.
-Carolyn W., Gulf Hammock, FL
-Bonnie G., Meansville, GA.
-Allen S.
-Erin B.
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