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You’ve likely heard many different theories that people have come up with regarding this question, and perhaps you have some of your own.
Together, we are going to explore what the Bible has to say about it so that we can have a godly understanding of what Jesus taught about the end of our world.
Have you ever just wanted to be face-to-face with Jesus and ask Him, “When does the world end?” We are blessed to have a story in the Bible where the disciples ask Jesus this question straight out! So, what does Jesus have to say?
The “Signs of the Times” is a phrase often used to describe the things Jesus says will precede the end of the world. This phrase comes from the verse above, where we learn about these things. What are they?
Jesus talks about wars, nations going against nations. Not only that but there will also be further threats of other wars. These escalating conflicts will coincide with natural disasters such as earthquakes. The combined pressures of all of these struggles will lead to severe famines. While many see the conflicts going on in our world today and take them as a sign of the end, Jesus points out that these are only the beginning. It sounds like things will get far worse before Jesus returns.
These dramatic signs and wonders are meant to signify that the world we know it is coming to an end. Not only that, but that God is about to usher in a new one. While scary for the sinner, it’s a message of grace and love for believers. It will be a time of redemption for all those who call upon the name of Christ.
The Bible even gives us a heads up about what qualities to look for in others in society as a whole that point to the reality of Jesus’ return being near.
Only God knows the time when these things will transpire.
This means that no matter what we experience, what happens in the world around us, or what anyone tells us, we can never pinpoint the time when Jesus will return.
Why is this? God made it this way so that we would be motivated to live righteous lives now, rather than choosing to live sinfully until the last moment then seek salvation.
Rather than devoting our time and energy to trying to figure out information only God Himself knows, we must devote that same time and energy to living according to His Word instead.
As we look at the world around us and compare it to the things we read in the Bible, it seems evident that the world is progressing toward the time when Jesus returns and ushers in the end. This is not a thing to mourn though: in fact, it’s a thing to celebrate! As long as we believe in Christ and strive to faithfully follow Him, Jesus’ return will be a good thing for us. He will usher in a new reality for believers, one where we will live with Him forever in a place with no more death or mourning or crying or pain (Rev. 21:4).
So, our lesson is that it matters less WHEN Jesus will return and the world will end and it matters MORE what we are doing with our lives in the present. If we are living faithfully, we should have no concerns as to when the end will come. In fact, we should be eagerly awaiting the return of our Lord and the opportunity to meet Him face-to-face.
-Carolyn W., Gulf Hammock, FL
-Bonnie G., Meansville, GA.
-Allen S.
-Erin B.
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